Croton EMS with the assistance of Verplanck FD/EMS, Montrose FD, Briarcliff FD/EMS and OVAC took on 2 events. First, being the Harry Chapin Run For Hunger. The run contains 3 different events. A 5k, 10k and a 1 mile fun run. With the help from the agencies listed above we were able to use their UTVs and 1 of our newly acquired EBikes to help insure safety for the runners in case of a medical emergency. After that event was completed, we headed to the 2nd event which was Octoberfest over on Grand St. There we handed out goodies for the kids, and first aid kits for the parents. Answered questions about CEMS and showed the community out ambulance. Thank you again to the agencies listed above for all their assistance! This is the 4th year that these agencies have helped us out.